Thursday, October 17, 2013

Politics as usual as always

The government shutdown is ended. I know that's a good thing, but I don't know what the lasting results of these three nasty weeks will be. And who can believe what we hear and read in the not-so-objective news media?

I have no use for politicians, especially King Barack. I'd like to vote him out. Today.

I am so disgusted with him.

Do you ever wonder, as I have, what is the difference between President Obama and a dictator? I can see little difference. And, by the way, the Obamacare mess is a mess. I won't go into the details here.

Harry Reid, who seems to be a toady for the president, just makes me sick. And, on the other side, I'm not so sure about Ted Cruz.

So there.

One result of this resuming of the federal government and its workings is that Alyce will go back to work--a mixed blessing.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Who Would Miss Him?

Let's vote.

Should Dennis Rodman stay in North Korea?

The ayes have it.

Monday, August 26, 2013

A "horrendous" crime

I'm quoting the daughter-in-law of the 88-year-old WWII veteran who was beaten to death last week in Spokane. The two teen-age suspects are black. I mean African-American.

Let's keep this in the news, as we kept Tayvon Martin and George Zimmerman in the news. Shall we?

Let's get it to Pres Obama. Let's see what he has to say about this.

Any predictions?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


Why must we, and especially our president, King Barack on National tv, keep our attention focused on that little punk whose picture as a 17-year old we've never been allowed to see?

Why are not the lives of 13 military members and one unborn child as important? The shooter, the guy, has proclaimed himself a jihadist, has admitted to killing them, has said he's sorry he DIDN'T KILL MORE. Why does the president not even mention that but instead tells us we need to examine ourselves because of Trayvon?

Jerk. Creep. Ego-maniac. Muslim?

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I Predict

Just you watch. Hillary Clinton will be shoved down our throats. Two tv networks are already planning life story/documentary films about her.

Makes me mad. And sick.

I don't know if I should say this--it's so extreme--but I would vote for a gorilla for president before I would vote for her.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Question of race

Who benefits from a racial divide?

Someone must, because that is what many seem to be pushing for--division, separatism, and the accompanying suspicion and hatred.

Haven't we come past it? Shall we not?

Apparently not.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Obama Care

Rear Cars of Massive National Train Wreck to Fly Off Track One Year Later Than Scheduled

 Pretty funny and pretty apt. It's what the administration thinks will fix something that is not fixable. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Where to find a truly impartial report

Is there any doubt about who the news media want to "win" in the Zimmerman trial?

Not in my mind. They're still showing years-old pictures of Trayvon Martin--innocent little kid. And they still show that mug shot of George Zimmerman, which is also years old and ugly. Side by side, too.

And hourly, no, minute by minute coverage? Really.

Stuff is going on in the world, people.

Monday, June 10, 2013

A Grumble

Someone is figuring out that all three branches of government are heavy with lies, which means also, liars.

And if we know this--and I do and did already--what can we do about it? They have lied about Benghazi; they have lied about the IRS scandal; they are lying about the NSA and their collection of data from cell phones and internet sites.

Here's what happens. And I know this is oversimplified. That doesn't mean it isn't true.
Immigration policies let in those who live without the rule of law and those who want to kill us. Then, to combat the results of such policies, the government spies on everyone. On you and on me, who have only loved America all our lives and tried to elect--without success always--those who would sustain the Constitution and protect our rights as citizens.

News: Hillary Clinton today made her Twitter debut. Swell. Will she be shoved down our throats and be our next president? Oh I hope not.

Friday, June 7, 2013

For Our Protection?

Yes, I'm glad I've never had a Facebook account.

Bad enough I'm with Verizon.

US Labor Department reports 175,000 new jobs. I think I know what they're working at: looking through all those millions of phone records and Facebook data.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

How do I feel about this?

Yesterday I heard an interview with a woman who represents an inter-faith group. Interviewed because she searched until she found a cemetery that would bury Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

The interviewer asked if she, Marilyn, was afraid of reprisals. She said, "No."

Who would come after her? Some good Christian?

Every dead person needs to be buried. I know that, but I thought his parents should pay for his body to come home to Chechnya. Silly me.

So. I do not know where he will be buried, but today I read that his wife wants nothing to do with him or his body. I would guess that is for her protection from suspicion of complicity. You know. But what if they find her DNA on that bomb fragment?

Friday, April 26, 2013


How much money do you think we're going to spend on Dzhokhar Tsarnaev?

Sunday, April 21, 2013



I mean, like, let's all move to Colorado, man.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

My View in Brief

I'm not a nut case.

But I believe Obama is ruining our country. That's the United States of America, whose government is established by the Constitution and which, therefore, should be governed by the principles in that constitution.

He thinks he knows best, and while he has power, he is going to use it. Believe me.

I think he does not know best.

Not all change is good, you know.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Let's Be Careful

Maybe you don't want to buy chicken for a while. Check the news.

I mean, doesn't everything we get come from China? They have a new flu, associated with poultry.

Six have died as of today.

And there's this.

I doubt you'll want to type this in and go there, so I'll tell you it's about how the soybean crop has been affected by the bird flu.

It's bad news, folks.

Friday, February 1, 2013

What's to like?

Yes, that's right, I say, along with Marjorie Dannenfelser of the Susan B Anthony Organization, which is pro-life.The president and his health care law have no right to determine who can have a conscience.

This is with reference to the requirement that all employers distribute contraceptives to employees and today's new rule that allows non-profit/religious organizations to opt out.

What about other people of conscience?