Someone is figuring out that all three branches of government are heavy with lies, which means also, liars.
And if we know this--and I do and did already--what can we do about it? They have lied about Benghazi; they have lied about the IRS scandal; they are lying about the NSA and their collection of data from cell phones and internet sites.
Here's what happens. And I know this is oversimplified. That doesn't mean it isn't true.
Immigration policies let in those who live without the rule of law and those who want to kill us. Then, to combat the results of such policies, the government spies on everyone. On you and on me, who have only loved America all our lives and tried to elect--without success always--those who would sustain the Constitution and protect our rights as citizens.
News: Hillary Clinton today made her Twitter debut. Swell. Will she be shoved down our throats and be our next president? Oh I hope not.
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