Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Airline Security

No doubt I'm not the only one with thoughts about airline security. I will fly to the east coast in April, then to Europe with Alyce and Ben. And, of course, we'll come back.

I don't know if my thoughts should concern Delta/NW or TSA. Both have been in the news lately--and it has not been good.

NW pilots so involved with their laptops that they fly 110 miles beyond the airport where they're supposed to put the plane down. They don't have enough to do in the cockpit. No excuse.

And just last week, on Christmas Day, the Nigerian passenger on NW manages to get through all security in The Netherlands and US with an incendiary device on his person (I don't know what security measures exist in Nigeria, where he began his flight/mission) and sets it off as they land in Detroit. Fortunately, and I choose the word willfully, he was the only one burned.

Oh yeah, this guy, and the other one from Nigeria they "caught" the next day--they were both released from Guantánamo Bay and soon ended up in Yemen, today's terror/terrorist hot spot and Al Queda's protectorate, so to speak. For that I look to Obama and his policy to release all those people. I hold him responsible. Doesn't he know anything?

Yes, I have thoughts about it all. Don't you?

Monday, December 21, 2009

Oh Joy

The Senate democrats are united now. They'll pass the "key" health reform bill by Christmas. Whichever version that is and whatever difficulties it foists upon us and however much it costs us, it is our Christmas gift from them.

Friday, December 18, 2009


So last February Obama returned to the British the statue of Winston Churchill which had been in the White House since England sent it over after 9/11. It was a loan, apparently, but they did not ask for it to be returned.

When Obama sent it back, the British were, according to reports, "non-plussed" and protested it did not need to be returned. Obama said something like thanks but no thanks, we don't need it.

He has replaced the Churchill statue, say stories, with one of Lincoln.

Okay. I love Lincoln, too. But I think it's . . . can't think of a better word than stupid . . . stupid to get rid of the the Churchill statue, and offensive to our English friends. Yeah, take it all around, stupid.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

How to . . .

12 Ways to Reuse Wine Corks

Today's WikiHow. Not something I need, but I did read the whole thing, because I do know folks who are probably throwing their wine corks away. Maybe even as we speak, so to speak.

So if any of you cork discarders should happen to read this blog of mine, go to WikiHow right now. You could upholster an easy chair--a big one--or clean your carbon steel knife blades or make a sculpture (the one pictured seems to be an ox; yes, we're talking lots of corks), or use them to start fires (I assume in your fireplace), or even make a cork board.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I saw a question, submitted via the internet to the public, about celebrities and their right to privacy. Do I believe they do or do not have such a right?

Well, why should they not? Actually, why should I be put upon by those who think every hangnail or beauty mark or blemish on the body of certain people is news I'm waiting to know? And I certainly do not need to know of their faults and misdeeds. That I will hear of them is a given, that I want the details of them is not a given.

I'm thinking of Tiger Woods just now, who has asked that people and the "news" media in particular respect his right to privacy. Okay by me.