Thursday, December 6, 2012

Progress, I fear

Oh joy! The state of Washington this year has legalized same-sex marriages and the use of marijuana. (Is there a connection?)

Let's all move there.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Putting it mildly

I am deeply disappointed. America has re-elected Barack Obama. King Barack.

When we elected JFK, I was concerned. Imagine how concerned I am now.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Tonight is the final presidential debate. Thank goodness.

I can only watch for a few minutes. They (the debates) are actually painful for me.

Won't we all be glad when the whole thing comes to an end? I will be. I mean, is there nothing else going on in the world besides that and Lance Armstrong being stripped of his medals? Even Lindsay Lohan isn't in the news.

A person--me--gets weary of the constant, perpetual, never-ending political campaigning crap. The picking and taking things out of context and smirking and downright lying. I am sick of it all.

But that does not mean I don't care who wins the election. I do care. I will be voting for Romney and against King Barack.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My View

Obama has made a mess.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My, but isn't she cute?

No one cares what I think, but here it is.

Michelle Obama dressed inappropriately last night.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Let's take their power away from them.

They have the power. They can do what they want. Right?

That's what Obama and Eric Holder seem to think.

I am sick of them all.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yeah, right and well, duh.

The head of the Secret Service testified today that the "incident" (what a powerless word) in Colombia was an isolated incident and does not reflect the high standards of the Secret Service. Hmm and yeah, right.

His explanation for why 11 men, two of them in that service more than 20 years and both of them married, took part in that "incident" is a very stupid explanation. Not really an explanation at all, and who is surprised?

"Between the alcohol and, I don't know, the environment," he says, "these individuals did some really dumb things. And I just can't explain why."

What does that mean? Can't explain why? Can't, as in I'm not at liberty to? Or can't, as in I don't know why they did that?

I say, well, duh. He is, I'm pretty sure, the only person in this universe who could not explain why.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Politics, as usual

Today Obama voiced his support of gay marriage.
Who is surprised?
After all, gays are powerful these days, and King Barack wants to be re-elected.
We shall see what Romney does about it.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Oh Boy

Obama's comments about the Supreme Court alarm me.

Either he does not understand our government's checks and balances system, or he wants to do away with it.

Neither possibility is good. After all, he is the president.

See? This why I call him King Barack.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Better to keep your mouth shut . . . you know the rest

Headline in today's Washington Post:

Gingrich pledges $2.50 gas, Obama: 'it's easy to make phony promises'

Wow, look who's talking. And who would know better than King Barack?

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What is to become of us?

Look at what's going on all over the world. And right here at home.

I mean it. Take a look.

Perhaps you'll agree with my assessment:

It is all too much for King Barack. Everlastingly too much. He was ill-prepared and continues to be sub-effective.

That doesn't mean he isn't trying to make it appear that he really does rule the world.

And it doesn't mean he will ever stop taking credit for any good thing anywhere and blaming the bad on someone else--Republicans, mostly.

Republicans, who continue to shoot themselves in the foot/feet, by the way.

Oh King Barack. Will your reign never end?

Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's just going to get worse, I guess

No, I had not forgotten about Newt's reprimand by Congress for ethics violations. I suppose some people don't remember or don't know about it. I suppose they need to know about it.

Still. I don't like that new Romney ad. Don't like this nasty stuff.

Yes, I know. It's politics.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gingrich Gas

As in, Newt is starting to give me said discomfort. And I ask you,

Who died and made Newt whatever he is, or thinks he is?

He's intelligent, right? But it takes more than that. I hope.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Now it begins, although this is hardly the beginning

So Romney squeaked by in Iowa.

Has this whole thing been going on forever? I think so.

If he squeaks by in New Hampshire and elsewhere, if he becomes the Republican candidate, will that be good? He says he knows he has a big target on his back and is ready. I wonder.

NBC is planning a special segment on his Romney relatives who are Mexican citizens. I kind of dread that "very interesting story." But maybe I'm wrong in thinking they won't be nice to him.

Mormon. People won't vote for a Mormon. I keep hearing that until I'm really sick of it. And a Mormon whose people colonized in Mexico, sent by the Mormon church to do so. Oh boy.