Protesters. Do they all know what and why they are protesting? I don't think so. You know there are "joiners" who just come in for the excitement of it. Or something like that. I mean, is protesting fun?
Do they have a purpose? A hoped-for end? If they do, I don't know what it is. I know the original protesters gathered to express dissatisfaction with the rich fat cats on Wall Street. But what did they hope to achieve? Hmmm.
Now, the owners of Zuccotti Park, which the protesters have been "occupying," have issued a statement. They, the owners, normally keep the park clean and trimmed and, most important for this issue, sanitary. They haven't been able to do their nightly power wash or any of the other procedures they normally do since September 16.
If the place is privately owned--and apparently it is--then the protesters, who are no doubt dirty and unsanitary themselves, should get out if asked to do so.
Clear? Yes, but I predict trouble.
None of those people look like anyone I'd like to meet up with in a dark alley . . . Or even an afternoon sidewalk . . . Do they speak for me??? hmmm . . .