Thursday, February 10, 2011

Oh Boy

I've heard people say it, that Donald Trump ought to be President. You know, of the United States.

It's because of the economy. Right? Because we're in an economic mess, and because he knows how to--what?--make money? handle economic messes? I guess both because I guess he's done both.


Well, now he's decided those folks are right, and he's serious about running. For President of the United States.

So that would be President Trump. President The Donald. And his current wife ( is that third? fifth?) would be, if she lasts that long, First Lady. (That's supposed to be mildly funny.)

I can't say it would never happen. No, I can't say that. And maybe, if he got in there and fired some people (not joking here) it would help the economy.

As to the rest of running the country, there are advisers to tell him how do that, as we all know because of our present president. Besides, Mr Trump has views on what's happening--beyond the economy--in this country or to this country. Calls it shameful, calls America a laughing stock, says we get no respect from the nations of the world.

Well, I think he's not so far off there. But can he fix it?

I know of people--not kids, these, in their sixties, in fact--who, upon the election of Barak Obama, said that for the first time in their lives they were proud of their country. Yes, I know Michelle Obama said that, but these people were not Michelle Obama. They were people who had been in my home. I can't think why.

And I can't think why they would feel that way about that particular election. Unless it was skin color. His, not theirs.

I wonder what they might say if we elected The Donald.

Might they have something to say about his hair? I mean, really, it's noticeable.

And oh, it just occurred to me, I can hear world leader and political intellectual Rosie O'Donnell now.

Politics. How strange.

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