Friday, January 22, 2010

Mudslides and Such

My Aunt Allie, 90 next month, lives in La Cañada, California, where the mudslides have forced many to evacuate. Last summer, when the fires ripped through there, her street was evacuated, but she didn't go, choosing to sit it out rather than sleep on the high school gymnasium floor. She told me then, when the fires were finally out and she was fine, that the next challenge would be when it rained, because, with all the trees and other ground cover burned away, mud would race down those mountains right behind her.

She was right.

However, I have just now spoken with her. She's in her home and reported that her street was not evacuated. Happy news for me, and, of course, for her.

Part of our conversation dealt with her health and mine. I told her I have cataracts beginning in my eyes but that they are nothing to worry about yet. She said she had cataracts, had to wait, finally had the surgeries, and all went well. Then she said, "Maybe by the time you have to have your surgeries, Carol, Obummer will have his health care plan in place . . . and you won't be covered."

We then spoke of the Massachusetts election, the hope it brings to those of us who do not want the president's health care plan. And we spoke of other things.

This post exists so that I could use the name she has given to our president, one I had not heard before, one I like.

Thanks, Allie, for it and for being there and still fine.

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