Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Learning from the Past

Did you ever read about the Hitler youth groups?

Let's just hope there are always enough people in this country to keep an eye on this Obama guy, to keep a check on him, and to speak up.

He speaks to the school children today, and he has had to modify his speech, thank goodness. Apparently, he won't be asking the students to figure out what they can do to help him, the president of the United States, more particularly, Barack Obama. How subtle. So he won't say exactly that, but what will he say? I don't trust him.

I am looking for his speech online. It's supposed to be posted.

Oh, and by the way, I really don't like that label "silly" being slapped on those who have questioned his planned remarks, in short, those who think differently from Obama and his crew. How snobbish of those Obama people, how dismissive, how name-calling.


  1. Okay, Barack, good advice to students today about Facebook and such online entities. Be careful what they reveal about themselves there because it will, not can but will, come back to haunt them. I hope they take him seriously.
    Yes, I'm commenting on my own blog because I want whoever reads this to know that I know Obama has some wisdom. I'd say adults should take his advice as well.
    Besides, I'm fair-minded.

  2. I read his speech yesterday because I wanted to make sure it didn't have any hidden agendas. I had to decide if I would allow Jenn to listen to it at school today. We had the choice of "opting out" and not letting her hear the speech but since I didn't find anything objectionable in what I read I didn't opt for the "opting out". Today I watched his speech. I guess I was concerned he would do some "ad libbing" but he pretty well stuck to the printed text. (I shouldn't have worried since he doesn't give a speech without his teleprompter.) Does that mean I don't trust him? Probably.
