Saturday, January 28, 2012

It's just going to get worse, I guess

No, I had not forgotten about Newt's reprimand by Congress for ethics violations. I suppose some people don't remember or don't know about it. I suppose they need to know about it.

Still. I don't like that new Romney ad. Don't like this nasty stuff.

Yes, I know. It's politics.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Gingrich Gas

As in, Newt is starting to give me said discomfort. And I ask you,

Who died and made Newt whatever he is, or thinks he is?

He's intelligent, right? But it takes more than that. I hope.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Now it begins, although this is hardly the beginning

So Romney squeaked by in Iowa.

Has this whole thing been going on forever? I think so.

If he squeaks by in New Hampshire and elsewhere, if he becomes the Republican candidate, will that be good? He says he knows he has a big target on his back and is ready. I wonder.

NBC is planning a special segment on his Romney relatives who are Mexican citizens. I kind of dread that "very interesting story." But maybe I'm wrong in thinking they won't be nice to him.

Mormon. People won't vote for a Mormon. I keep hearing that until I'm really sick of it. And a Mormon whose people colonized in Mexico, sent by the Mormon church to do so. Oh boy.