Monday, September 12, 2011
Weary of him
Well, I'm not rich, but there's something that bothers me about his repeated demonizing of those who are rich.
But wait a minute. Is he not rich? I don't quite understand. Won't that mean his taxes will increase? Does he actually pay taxes?
Friday, September 2, 2011
How Things Are
I did not vote for King Barack. I cannot look at him, cannot abide his manner of speech and mostly would like to pin him to the wall over most of what he says. I did appreciate his remarks at the gathering after Gabrielle Giffords was shot. Someone smart must have written it.
I think he came ill-prepared to the presidency and have not changed my mind on that score. I think the people who elected him had/have no idea what a mess they have got us into.
Incidentally, upon his election, my friend Wendy's friend Roxy said, "For the first time in my life I am proud of my country." I wasn't there or I would have asked "why so"? I'm pretty sure her answer would have been, "Because he's black." I believe Michelle Obama also said she was proud of this country for the first time in her life. Again, I wonder why. No doubt, beyond the possibility of the very personal reason, it was because he's black.
So here it is. Those people who have argued forever that skin color does not matter now make it clear that skin color is the thing that does matter.
And do these people understand that his blackness did not equip him to be president? No.